If you have been charged with reckless driving in Arlington Virginia. As an Arlington reckless driving lawyer, I can fight your criminal charges in court and make sure to defend your legal rights.
read below how to fight your reckless driving ticket en arlington virginia
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What is Considered to be Reckless Driving?
Reckless driving is defined under Virginia Law Section §46.2-862. The law simply states that any person driving a motor vehicle at a speed of 20 mph or more than the posted speed limit will be guilty of a reckless driving charge.
It is illegal to drive in a manner that may put another’s life or property at risk.
This definition of reckless driving includes several acts that may amount to reckless driving.
Driving at an excessive speed (20 mph or more than the posted speed limit), failing to yield the right of way, illegal turns, improper lane changes, failing to give a signal to other cars, all these acts constitute reckless driving.

How Does a Reckless Driving Charge Affect Your Demerit Points?
When you are charged with a reckless driving conviction, there are demerit points assigned to your driving record at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
These demerit points can remain on your record for almost 5 years and affect your insurance rates.
The DMV has a system where three, four, or six demerit points can be assigned to your record in the event of any traffic violation.
If convicted of a traffic violation, the court notifies the Department of Motor Vehicles who then post the conviction on your record, assigns demerit points, issues a suspension of your license, and reports to the insurance company.
The consequences of collecting such demerit points can lead to being required to complete a driver improvement clinic or having your license suspended.
If you get 12 demerit points in a year as an adult, the DMV will suspend your license and require you to take the improvement clinic.
If you have been charged for reckless driving, it’s encouraged to consult with an experienced Arlington reckless driving lawyer who can provide the best legal representation in court.
The lawyers here at American Lawyers Group can provide the competent counsel and guidance that you may need.

What are the Charges for Reckless Driving?
Reckless driving is a serious criminal offense that is classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Such an offense carries a variety of punishments and long term consequences.
The penalties of such a conviction include a fine of at least $2,500, suspension of your driver’s license, increased insurance premiums, and possible jail time for 12 months depending on the circumstances of your case.
In the event your license is suspended, you may request a restricted license for specific purposes such as going to work or picking up kids from school, seeing a doctor, or anything that is of significant importance. However, it is up to the judge to authorize a restricted license depending on the facts surrounding your case.

Why Should You Hire an Arlington Reckless Driving Lawyer?
Receiving a reckless driving charge can create several problems since it’s not a simple traffic infraction like a speeding ticket.
It’s a serious criminal offense that can result in lifelong consequences such as imprisonment and expensive fines.
If you or a loved one are charged with reckless driving, you will need an experienced Arlington Reckless Driving Lawyer to represent you in court.
The attorneys here at American Lawyers Group have years of experience with thousands of clients and providing them with strong and effective representation.
Contact us today to help you navigate traffic laws and determine the best legal options to pursue to reduce or dismiss the charges altogether.
Experienced Strong Defense Arlington Reckless Driving Lawyer
Reckless Driving Defense Fees From $499*

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