If you or a loved one have been charged with a traffic violation in Arlington, Virginia. Don’t worry, as an Arlington traffic lawyer, I can fight your traffic violation in court and defend your legal rights.
read below penalties and defenses of traffic violations
Traffic Violations in Arlington Virginia
A moving violation occurs when a traffic law is violated by a vehicle that is in motion.
As a driver, you are required to be responsible and know the traffic laws of the state in which you drive.
Each state has its law’s regarding traffic violations and the penalties that may follow those violations.
There are several types of traffic violations that can result in long-term consequences that may include expensive fines or license suspension.
However, the most common traffic violations in Loudoun include reckless driving, DUI, driving without a license or with a suspended license explained briefly below:
List of Different Virginia Traffic Tickets we Defend in Arlington Virginia Court
Virginia Traffic Ticket | Virginia Law Section |
Conducir con una Driving With a Suspended License | 46.2-301 |
Driving With A Suspended/Revoked License | 18.2-272 |
Aggressive Driving | 46.2-868 |
Hit and Run, Failed to Stop After Causing an Accident | 46.2-894 |
Driving Without a License | 46.2-300 |
All Types of Reckless Driving. Reckless Driving By Speed | 46.2-862 |
General Reckless Driving | 46.2-852 y 46.2-853 |
Reckless Driving in Virginia
A reckless driving charge, unlike a speeding ticket, is not a traffic infraction but a serious criminal offense in Arlington.
The Virginia Code §46.2-862 clearly defines that any person who drives a motor vehicle at a speed of 20 mph or more than the posted speed limit will be guilty of a reckless driving charge.
Reckless driving is considered a serious traffic violation.
Several acts may constitute reckless driving such as driving at an excessive speed, failing to yield right of way, failing to give proper signals, improper or illegal passing of another vehicle, passing by a school bus that has its flashing lights on, etc.

Driving recklessly is a Class 1 misdemeanor that carries serious penalties such as accumulating demerit points, being charged with a fine of at least $2,500, increased insurance premiums, suspension of your driver’s license, and possible jail time for 12 months.
Driving Under Influence (DUI)
According to the Virginia Code, “it’s considered to be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any motor vehicle while such a person has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or more.”
If you have had a drink, you might find yourself impaired. In such instances, you should refrain from driving until you have sobered up.
The prosecutor takes the first-time DUI charges very seriously.
Regardless of you being a good human being, having a clean record, or having a relatively low BAC at the time of the arrest, it is of very little consequence to the government.
The penalties of a first-time DUI offense consist of losing your license for no less than 12 months and expensive fines.
These penalties are largely statutory, and therefore cannot be reduced to 6 months or anything else.

Moreover, there is also a possibility of a suspension of jail time if the accused keeps up general good behavior for a year and completes the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP).
Driving with a Suspended License or Without a License
A charge of driving with a suspended license or without a license can have serious consequences.
As per 46.2-301 of the Virginia Code, driving with a suspended license or without one is a serious misdemeanor crime.
It can result in jail time and expensive fines before you can have your driving privileges reinstated.
In the event your license suspension is a part of a conviction for an alcohol-related offense, your vehicle will most likely be impounded for 30 days as per the Virginia Code if you are arrested for driving on such a suspended license.
During the time your license is suspended, you may have the option to apply for a restricted license.
However, it depends on the reason your license was suspended or revoked for the court to grant permission for the restricted license.
Why Should You Hire an Arlington Traffic Lawyer?
Receiving traffic violation tickets or being charged with a moving violation is no laughing matter.
The outcome of your case solely depends on the facts and evidence presented in court.
It’s better not to make the mistake of assuming the judge will be lenient and dismiss or rescue your charge simply because it’s your first offense.
It’s encouraged to contact an experienced Arlington Traffic Lawyer.
The attorneys here at the American Lawyers Group have years of experience with handling thousands of clients and providing them with strong and effective representation.
We can not only evaluate your case but also determine the best legal options to pursue to reduce the charge or mitigate it altogether.