Business Lawyer Virginia
Lets us represent your legal business matters. As a business lawyers Virginia, I can litigate or defend your legal matters in court.
read important details related to business litigation in virginia
Forming a Business in Virginia
When a business is formed into a legal entity, it can own property, have bank accounts, and will have to pay taxes. There are several forms a business can take.
S-Corporations, Limited Liability Corporations (LLC), Sole proprietorships, C-Corporations, and more are all different ways to run a business with different benefits and drawbacks.

S-Corporations, or S-Corps, are limited in how many stockholders they can have. However, they also protect the owner from personal liability.
Sole proprietorships are fairly straightforward. They are owned by just one person or a couple. They are more or less an extension of the person.
The owner is liable for the debts and expenses of the business.
Profits and losses are all considered personal income and losses.
Sole proprietorships give the owner the ability to easily hand off the business or certain parts of it.
LLCs are beneficial for a few reasons.
LLC’s offer the protection from liability that a full corporation would offer while still being taxed more similarly to sole proprietorships.
C-corporations, or C-Corps, are separate entities uniquely distinct from their owners. C-Corps protect their owners from liability while offering lower taxes for income below $75,000.
Contracting With Different Entities in Virginia
Contracting is an essential component of effectively running and owning a business. Contracts keep the parties involved informed on what duties and rights they have when working with others.
Contracts can allow for quick and easy deal-making between businesses and business partners. We can also litigate or defend your breach of contract disputes in Virginia.

However, contracts can also be very time-consuming, technical, and expensive to draft litigate, and enforce. They are a double-edged sword that can both help and hinder businesses.
At American Lawyers Group, our experienced Virginia Business Lawyers can help by drafting accurate, useful, and reusable contracts to help you run your business.
Buying and Selling Businesses in Virginia
One of the most important places for contracts in the world of business is in the buying and selling of businesses.
These large transactions have to be recorded in writing to protect each party from the other in potential future litigation.
In buying a business, buyers must examine the legal liabilities of the business for sale, obligations the business owes to others, and the assets of the business being bought.
In selling a business, a seller must work with attorneys to fully separate themselves from the business being sold, deal with any potential liabilities linked to the business being sold, and get the best possible price for what is being sold.
The Virginia business attorneys at the American Lawyers group can work with you to maximize the benefits you receive from buying or selling a business.
Registered Agents in Virginia
Every corporation, LLC, and other entity registered under Virginian law needs a “Registered Agent” in the commonwealth. Registered Agents are responsible for receiving official documentation and correspondences from the commonwealth of Virginia.
Additionally, a registered agent is a person responsible for receiving legal notices and being served for lawsuits against the corporate entity.
Partnership Disputes in Virginia
Partnership disputes arise when there are contract issues, fraud issues, tort claims, and more between business partners.
Through proactive lawyering with solid model contracts, well-defined roles, jobs, and responsibilities, the Virginia business lawyers at American Lawyers Group can help mitigate the potential for partnership disputes and mitigate the fallout from partnership disputes.
Employment Disputes in Virginia
The business hires people. Each person hired is a new web of legal relationships between the employer, the employee, and state agencies that oversee and regulate the employer-employee relationship.
With the Virginia business Lawyers at American Lawyers Group, your contracts with employees can be drafted and negotiated.
With the American Lawyers Group, your adherence with regulatory agencies can be supported and litigated with experienced attorneys and proactive lawyering.
Why You Need a Virginia Business Lawyer?
Virginia has a diverse and robust economy with many kinds of businesses throughout the commonwealth.
These very different businesses ranging from Sole Proprietorships, C-Corps, and S-Corps to LLCs all need skilled Virginia business lawyers to negotiate and draft contacts, facilitate the buying and selling of businesses, and adhere to Virginia agency law and employment law.
Virginia business lawyers are a key cog in the machinery of business in Virginia. Seek the help of the American Lawyers Group for your business needs.