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Criminal Defense Attorney in Alexandria VA (18.2-266)

If you or someone you love has been charged with a crime in Alexandria, don’t worry as a criminal defense attorney in Alexandria I can fight your case in court and defend your legal rights.

read below penalties and defenses of criminal charges we represent

Experienced Low-Cost Criminal Defense Attorney in Alexandria

Criminal Defense Attorney in Alexandria

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Types of Criminal Cases Our Attorneys Handle

Driving Under Influence (DUI / DWI)

According to the Virginia Code, the law states that it is unlawful for any person to drive or operate any motor vehicle while such a person has a BAC of 0.08 percent or more.

In the event you’ve had a drink, it is possible to find yourself having impaired senses. 

Prosecutors take first-time DUI charges very seriously.

So, regardless of you being a good citizen and having a clean record, all of this is of very little significance to the government.

The only thing that matters is you chose to sit behind a wheel and drive while being intoxicated. 

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Oftentimes for a first-time offense, the penalties include losing your license for no less than 12 months.

A point to note is these penalties are largely statutory and can be reduced to 6 months as the judge may deem fit.

Moreover, a DUI can be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances of your case. 

It is possible to be anxious and overwhelmed with the consequences you may face if you are charged with a DUI offense.

Therefore, it is encouraged to consult with an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Alexandria to reduce or dismiss the charges against you.

All Types of Reckless Driving in Virginia

Speeding offenses can go from being a simple traffic infraction to a criminal charge.

Reckless driving is a criminal offense that has severe penalties such as a fine of $2,500, suspension of licenses, and a possible sentence of jail for 12 months. 

The law states that any person who drives a motor vehicle recklessly on the highways at a speed of 20 mph or more than the applicable speed limit will be guilty of reckless driving.

This includes several acts such as illegal passing, passing a stopped school bus that has its flashing lights on, failing to yield right of way, etc. 

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A reckless driving charge can result in lifelong consequences such as lengthy imprisonments.

You may not find it necessary to hire a lawyer to fight your case in the event of a speeding ticket.

However, it is crucial to have an experienced Alexandra Criminal Defense Attorney who knows the law and can represent you if you are charged with a criminal offense of reckless driving.

Drug Offenses

Possession of a controlled substance is a very common charge in Virginia.

The type and amount of substance involved can make a substantial difference in the type of charge and punishment a defendant may face. 

According to the law, it is unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally possess a controlled substance without a valid prescription.

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The punishments for this criminal charge can depend on several different factors such as the type of controlled substance, amount of the controlled substance, the location it was used at, and if there is any prior criminal history of the accused. 

There is a lot at stake when you are charged with the crime of drug possession.

Such a conviction may not only result in prison time and harsh fines but also interfere with your personal life, your job, and security clearances.

Therefore, contact an Alexandria Criminal Defense Attorney immediately to help build a case in your defense.

Domestic Abuse or Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection

The domestic laws in Alexandria state that it is a crime to injure or hurt any member of your family or household.

Any person committing such an act of violence against a family member will be guilty of domestic violence.

Domestic abuse includes not only physical abuse but also emotional abuse, sexual assault, and neglect. 

The penalties of domestic abuse often depend on whether you are convicted for a misdemeanor offense or felony offense.

You can face lengthy jail time including harsh fines for a domestic abuse charge. Moreover, for domestic violence cases, the court often issues protective orders against the party accused of domestic violence. 

The harsh penalties that come with a conviction of domestic violence can impact your professional and personal life.

If you face any such charge, contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in Alexandria at the earliest.

Theft, Petit Larceny, and Grand Larceny?

Theft has a broad legal meaning that encompasses more than one category.

It is a property crime that involves the taking of a person’s property without their permission.

To charge someone with theft, the burden is on the prosecutor to show that the person had specific intent to deprive the other of their property and keep it for themselves. 

The charges of theft will often depend upon the circumstances of the case and whether it will result in a felony charge or a misdemeanor.

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Such crimes have significant punishments such as expensive fines and lengthy prison sentences if convicted of a felony. 

Although facing such charges may not be pleasant, there are several legal defenses available in the cases involving allegations of theft.

It is encouraged to consult with an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Alexandria to reduce or dismiss the charges altogether.

Why Should You Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney in Alexandria?

The attorneys here at American Lawyers Group have years of experience with handling thousands of clients and providing them with strong and effective representation to help their case.

If you face any criminal charge, contact us immediately, so we can assess your case and be able to assist you in determining what possible defenses can be made available to your case.