Fairfax Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Let us fight your speeding ticket in court. As a Fairfax speeding ticket lawyer, I have defended clients on their traffic tickets. Give me a call to discuss your case.
read below important information related to penalties of speeding tickets:
Experienced Low-Cost Fairfax Speeding Ticket Lawyer

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Speeding Offenses in Fairfax
There are two main types of speeding offenses in Fairfax, Virginia: speeding and reckless driving. The difference between both offenses is how fast the driver was going.
Speeding is simply a traffic infraction whereas reckless driving is a serious criminal offense. This means that receiving a speeding ticket is not a jailable offense.
However, it can result in demerit points, fines, and increased insurance rates.
While speeding is simply where the driver is going over the designated speed limit, reckless driving has a whole different variety of moving violations. According to the law, specifically §46.2-862, this means any person operating a vehicle in a manner that may endanger life, limb or property, will be guilty of reckless driving as per the law.

More often than not you may not realize the speed limit on the road you’re driving on has changed and because of that, you may suddenly find yourself driving 60 mph in an area where the speed limit is 20 mph. In such an event, you may be issued a speeding ticket if you’re caught by the authorities.
It’s encouraged to reach out to an experienced Fairfax Speeding Ticket Lawyer in the event you or a loved one have received a speeding ticket and are expected to appear in court.
What are Demerit Points?
When an individual is convicted of a moving violation, the court typically notifies the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Once notified, the DMV posts the conviction on your driving record and assigns demerit points according to the severity of the offense committed.
Depending upon the case and the judge, an order of suspension may be applied to your record or you may be required to complete a drivers improvement clinic.
The DMV may also notify your insurance company and this may result in increased insurance premiums.
When can a Speeding Ticket be charged?
The following table lists the different situations in which a speeding ticket may be charged by the authorities if you fail to comply with the speed limit in Virginia:
The Virginia Code Section | Offense |
§46.2-862 | Reckless Driving |
§46.2-870 | Speeding |
§46.2-871 | The maximum speed limit for school buses |
§46.2-872 | Maximum speed limits for vehicles with special permits |
§46.2-874 | Speeding in Residential district |
§46.2-875 | Maximum speed for highways |
§46.2-881 | Speeding on Bridges, interstates, and tune;s |
How Police Officers Calculate your Speed Prior to Issuing the Speeding Ticket
There are several different ways the authorities can calculate your speed before issuing you a speeding ticket. Every state differs in the methods they use to determine speed. However, these are the most common ways that the police officers measure your speed:
This is the most common method police officers use to measure the speed of a suspected driver.
They do this by using their own speedometer to clock the suspect’s speed. For this, the officer needs to maintain a close and constant distance between his car and the suspected drivers to confirm his suspicion and get an accurate estimate of their speed.
If you’re fighting a ticket based on packing, it’s best to consider that road configuration can help prove inadequate pacing or that the officer was way farther than your car to calculate the accurate speed.
Many states allow their officers to measure the speed using a technology called Visual Average Speed Computer and Recorder (VASCAR).

It’s a computer that uses time and distance to calculate a car’s speed from two different reference points.
If convicted of a VASCAR speeding ticket, it’s best to focus on the officer’s observation of those reference points, the officer’s reaction time, and the odometer error in your defense.
3.Aircraft speed detection
This is where when a vehicle is speeding, the officers in the plane radio another officer on the ground who then pulls over the suspected driver and issues a ticket.
If you’re fighting against an aircraft speeding ticket, you may be able to raise issues such as how clearly was the car in view.
It’s hard to stare at something for so long, especially from a plane with so many other cars going in the same direction at almost the same speed.
This is a device that’s used to measure the speed that a suspected driver is going at.
It directly determines the vehicle’s speed by using radio waves reflected off a moving vehicle.

It generates the waves with a transmitter and when the waves bounce back off your car and picked up by the receiver.
If you’re fighting a speeding ticket charged on the basis of your speed caught from the Radar, you may use calibration problems as a part of your defense or the officer accidentally pulling you over as a part of a bunch of cars that were going in the same speed limit.
Regardless of which way the authorities determined your speed in issuing you a speeding ticket. It’s highly encouraged you seek the help of an experienced Fairfax Speeding Ticket Lawyer.
The attorney will know the ways of the court and how to get your charges reduced by the judge.
Why Should You Hire An Experienced Fairfax Speeding Ticket Lawyer?
Receiving a speeding ticket may not seem serious at first but can lead to some serious criminal charges if not handled properly.
Experienced Low-Cost Fairfax Speeding Ticket Lawyer

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Call Now – FREE Consultation
For this reason, it’s important to consult with an experienced Fairfax Speeding Ticket Lawyer who can not only appear for you in court but also discuss the possible legal options you may have.
The attorneys at the American Lawyers Group have years of experience handling thousands of cases to provide efficient and strong representation for their clients.
Our Attorneys can help you decide how to proceed in the event you’re ticketed for Speeding. Contact us today for a free consultation.