Manassas Child Custody Lawyer
A child custody court case involves strong emotions and convictions. As a Manassas child custody lawyer, I can defend your case in court and fight for your custody legal rights.
read below how judges grant custody based on best interest of the child
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Types of Child Custody in Manassas
The Code of Virginia §20.124.1 lists and defines two types of custody: Sole custody and Joint custody. Sole custody is an exclusive right granted to one parent for having both physical and legal custody of the child.
This means that the custodial parent alone has the power to determine where the child resides and to make all decisions regarding the child’s welfare.
On the other hand, joint custody is where both parents are granted physical and legal custody of the child.

Where parents have joint legal custody, they both have the right to weigh in on major decisions related to the child’s education, health, and happiness.
Moreover, each parent will consult with one another before coming to a decision that will affect the child in the present and future.
What is meant by the “best interest” of the Child?
In a divorce case involving children or simply a custody case, the court will always look at what is in the child custody in the best interest of the child.
The “best interest” of a child, in custody cases, means ensuring all decisions regarding custody and visitation are to secure the child’s health and happiness.
More often than not, the court finds that it is in the best interests of the child that they maintain a close relationship with both parents.
Any decision made by you or the court will affect not your child and so, it’s important to not lose sight of what may be best for the child.
How does a Court decide a Child Custody case?
All determinations are made in the best interest of the child that includes all decisions relating to visitation and custody.
In determining whether to grant sole custody or joint custody there are several factors the judge is required to take into account as per §20.124.3 of the Virginia Code that includes:
- The needs of the child,
- What are the best interests of the child,
- The age and mental condition of the child,
- The age and mental condition of the parents,
- The relationship each parent has with the child,
- The relationship between both parents,
- The willingness of each parent to support the child’s contact with the other parent,
- History of family abuse,
- The willingness to have a close relationship with the child, and
- The willingness of each parent to cooperate and resolve disputes.

In certain cases, the judge may consider the preference of the child depending on how old they are. A child who is six will not likely be asked what they want.
However, a teenager or anyone above twelve years old will have a chance to state their preference and what they would prefer.
The children’s preference is often given weight unless the preference is unreasonable and not in the best interest of the child.
If you are a non-custodial parent, the judge will almost always give you liberal visitation rights. It is, then, up to you and the custodial parent to decide your schedule.
However, if both parents fail to work things out, the court will set out a specific time for the non-custodial parent to visit the child.

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Why Should you Hire a Manassas Child Custody Lawyer?
Getting custody is a difficult process for everyone involved, especially the children. The court should see that you take providing for your child seriously if you want to have a chance to fight for full custody.
Either way, to avoid being overwhelmed and cause your children to get affected during this process, you should consult with an experienced Manassas Child Custody Lawyer.
The attorneys here at the American Lawyers group have years of experience handling thousands of cases by providing strong and effective legal representation.
Contact us today to ensure the disputed child custody matter is handled appropriately in the best interest of your children.
Experienced Low-Cost Manassas Child Custody Lawyer

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