Manassas Reckless Driving Attorney
In Manassas Virginia, a reckless driving violation is considered a class 1 misdemeanor. As a Manassas reckless driving attorney, I can fight your traffic violation in court and defend your legal rights.
read below how to fight reckless driving in prince william county
Experienced Strong Defense Manassas Reckless Driving Lawyer
Reckless Driving Defense Fees From $499*

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Types of Speeding Offenses in Manassas
There are two main types of speeding ticket offenses: Reckless driving and general speeding.
The most significant difference between the two is that the latter is a traffic infraction, that if found in violation of speeding, is punishable by a fine and most likely will result in demerit points on your driving record.
On the other hand, reckless driving is a criminal offense that has severe penalties such as a fine of up to $2,500, suspension of licenses, and a possible sentence of jail for 12 months.
It’s not always necessary to hire a lawyer to fight your case. However, it can be crucial to have someone who knows the law and can provide effective representation in case you need to be present in court.

What Constitutes Reckless Driving?
According to the Virginia code §46.2-862, “a person will be guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth
(i) at a speed of 20 miles per hour or more above the applicable maximum speed limit or
(ii) above 80 miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit.”
The definition of reckless driving under the statute includes several acts that may amount to reckless driving.
Driving at excessive speed (20 mph above the speed limit), illegal passing, passing a stopped school bus that has its flashing lights on, failing to yield right-of-way, failing to give the signal to the other cars, and faulty brakes, all the aforementioned acts constitute reckless driving.

What to Expect from a Reckless driving charge?
In Manassas, reckless driving is a serious criminal offense. It’s a Class 1 misdemeanor, and such a charge will leave you with a permanent criminal record.
The top penalty for reckless driving in Manassas by law is facing 12 months in jail along with a $2,500 fine.
Hiring a lawyer in such a situation would be a better option than trying to represent yourself or paying the ticket.
Just paying your reckless driving ticket would not be recommended since it may be more harmful as it will create a permanent criminal record.
This may affect your insurance costs, your credit, and possible future employment.

Moreover, pleading guilty to a charge of reckless driving will also result in at least six points off your Virginia license, and if that isn’t enough, it will also affect your security clearance and can cause immigration problems for one who is not a citizen as of yet.
Contact an experienced Manassas Reckless Driving Attorney immediately who can help you understand your rights and explore the options you may be able to take concerning your case.
Why Should You Hire a Manassas Reckless Driving Attorney?
If you ever get pulled over, what you may think is a speeding ticket can be a reckless driving charge against you.
Such a charge can create several problems since it is not merely a traffic infraction.
Reckless driving is a serious criminal offense that can result in lifelong consequences such as imprisonment.
In the event you are caught driving at an excessive speed, you will need an experienced Manassas Reckless Driving Attorney to provide effective representation for you in court.
The attorneys here at American Lawyers Group have years of experience with handling thousands of clients and providing them with strong and effective representation.
We can evaluate your case and determine the best legal options to pursue to reduce the charge or mitigate it altogether.
Experienced Strong Defense Manassas Reckless Driving Lawyer
Reckless Driving Defense Fees From $499*

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