If you are facing speeding tickets in Manassas, you can count on our Manassas speeding ticket attorney to fight your case in court and defend your legal rights.
read below how to fight your traffic speeding ticket in court
Experienced Low-Cost Manassas Speeding Ticket Attorney

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What Does a Speeding Violation Mean in Virginia?
Virginia Law Section 46.2-870 covers speeding generally in Virginia.
Speeding is simply driving in excess of the posted speed limit where you were driving.
Typically, getting a speeding ticket is simple.
An officer gives you a ticket for your charge and what you need to pay. Normally, a court appearance is not even needed.
However, speeding at 20 miles per hour over the speed limit or driving above 80 miles per hour can turn your simple traffic violation into a class 1 misdemeanor reckless driving charge.
Reckless driving is a much more serious charge that can lead to a year in jail and huge fines of up to $2,500.
Reckless driving requires a court appearance.
Failure to appear in court for a reckless driving charge will cause the court to issue an arrest warrant for you.
Failing to appear can actually result in more criminal charges and greater fines.
Additionally, too many speeding tickets in too short a time can lead to license suspension, increased insurance costs, and greater speeding ticket fines.
You should fight speeding tickets as soon as you can.
With an experienced Manassas speeding ticket attorney, you can mitigate costs and penalties and maybe reduce or dismiss the charge entirely.

Proof of Speeding
Typically, police can prove speeding through the speed tracking technology they have at their disposal.
Popularly RADAR guns and Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) equipment can be used to determine the speed of a vehicle with great accuracy.
However, these devices can improperly register speed when cars are in a clustered group.
These technologies are commonly used by police and accepted by courts in Virginia.
The only real defense against these LIDAR and RADAR technologies is that they are not calibrated properly.
However, officers usually bring a calibration certificate to court as proof that they did the proper calibration.
Police will also use pacing, which is a police tactic that sees police follow a car with a set speed to determine if the suspect is speeding. This requires precise calibration of the speedometer used by law enforcement.

What Are Defenses to a Speeding Ticket?
You should put up a defense in speeding cases.
This may sound obvious, but many people simply do not contest speeding.
Simple speeding tickets can usually be prepaid and forgotten.
However, by not appearing in court you are essentially pleading guilty to the speeding charge.
In contrast, appearing in court with an experienced Manassas speeding ticket attorney from American Lawyers Group and a good defense can help to lower fines, mitigate points towards your license, and maybe even see the charges dropped altogether.
Additionally, appearing in court and taking steps to improve driving or taking a driving class can persuade a judge to reduce the penalty or charge.
Appearing in court also allows you to negotiate the penalty with the judge.
Experienced Low-Cost Manassas Speeding Ticket Attorney

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Depending on your finances and employment, the court could reduce your penalty or help to set up a payment schedule rather than a lump-sum fine.
Defenses to speeding that can be used by a skilled Manassas speeding ticket attorney are against the evidence brought against you.
Your attorney can make arguments of user error and improper use of the LIDAR and RADAR technology.
Additionally, your attorney can argue for error by police in pacing.
If the police speedometer is not properly calibrated, it can be attacked by a good defense attorney.
Lastly, a speeding defense attorney can argue against LIDAR and RADAR if the circumstances of the case show that your car was clustered in a pack of cars to show that the device simply registered the wrong car.
Why Should You Hire a Manassas Speeding Ticket Attorney?
Speeding tickets may seem simple enough, but they can lead to greater insurance costs, license suspension, and expensive fines.

Speeding above 80 miles per hour or 20 miles above the speed limit can lead to reckless driving and a tremendous fine with potential jail time.
A skilled Manassas speeding attorney from the American Lawyers Group can help you fight a speeding charge, reduce your penalties and fines, and maybe even get the whole charge dropped.
If you are facing speeding tickets in Manassas, get a speeding attorney from the American Lawyers Group today.