A reckless driving violation in Virginia is considered a criminal class 1 misdemeanor. As a reckless driving speeding attorney, I can fight your charge in court and make sure to protect your legal rights.
read below penalties and defenses of a reckless driving speeding ticket:
Experienced Strong Defense Reckless Driving Speeding Attorney
Reckless Driving Defense Fees From $499*

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Don’t Risk Jail or Losing Your License
If your speed, was 90 mph or above, you might be looking at jail time.
That is why it is essential to work with an experienced traffic attorney that has experience defending Reckless Driving by Speed cases.
Our attorneys have represented many clients throughout Northern Virginia and surrounding courts. Call now at 703-786-8340 to discuss your case.
Is Reckless Driving By Speed Ticket (46.2-862) Considered a Traffic Violation or a Criminal Offense?
Reckless Driving by Speed is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. A conviction of Reckless Driving by Speed can carry up to the following penalties:
- Jail up to twelve months.
- Suspended license for up to six months.
- A penalty of up to $2500
- Six demerit points on your Virginia driver’s license
Other issues that can impact Reckless Driving By Speed penalties are related to road conditions, alcohol consumption, having minors in the vehicle, having a CDL license, or having been involved in an accident.

What Are Possible Steps A Reckless Driving Speeding Attorney Can Take To Challenge The Case?
Each court in Virginia might provide a different approach to how Reckless Driving Speeding cases are handled.
But some common steps or approaches are listed below:
- Complete a Driving Improvement Class
- Perform a Speedometer Calibration. A certified mechanic can check your vehicle speedometer to detect any malfunction
- Verification of Documentation or Calibration of Radar, Lidar or Pacing speed readings
- Community Service

What Consequences Does Reckless Driving By Speed Have On a CDL License?
Drivers who receive a commercial driver’s license are held to a higher standard.
The penalties overseeing CDL licenses include:
- Two convictions of Reckless Driving or other serious convictions within three years can lead to a sixty-day disqualification of the CDL driver’s license.
- Three convictions within three years, resulting in a 120-day disqualification.
The other consequences for CDL drivers, include loss of jobs, increased insurance premiums.
A Reckless Driving conviction can stay on the driving record for up to eleven years.
Reckless Driving by Speed Convictions For Juveniles (Under 18):
If you are under the age of eighteen and have been charged with reckless driving by speed 46.2-862, your case will be heard in the Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court. Some possible consequences of a conviction could be; being put on probation or, community service., depending on the circumstances other penalties that an adult would face, such as a license suspension, may also be applied.
Attorneys at the Law offices of the American Lawyers Group are experienced at defending Criminal Reckless Driving Speeding Tickets in Virginia Courts.
Give us a call at 703-786-8340, so we can defend your criminal and traffic cases in court.
Experienced Strong Defense Reckless Driving Speeding Attorney
Reckless Driving Defense Fees From $499*

Call Now – FREE Consultation
Don’t Risk Jail or Losing Your License