A reckless driving criminal charge is defined as endangering your life or the life of others. As a traffic attorney, I have defended clients on their reckless driving for passing a school but ticket.
read below important information about reckless driving:
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Under Virginia Law Section § 46.2-859, passing a school bus that is loading or unloading children, is a Class 1 Misdemeanor and carries a penalty of up to $2500, up to one year of incarceration, and up to 6-month suspension of your driver’s license.
A reckless driving case can be heard in either the General District Court or Circuit Court.
What Are the Reckless Driving Virginia First Offense Penalties, As They Pertain To Reckless Driving Passing a School Bus?
Failing to stop for a school bus is very dangerous.
If you are convicted of this offense, you can be facing the following criminal penalties:
- Conviction of a Class 1 Misdemeanor, which can stay on your driving record for up to eleven years.
- Six demerit points added to your driving record in Virginia.
- A maximum fine of $2500.
- License suspension up to six months.
Criminal Virginia Lawyer Explains VA code § 46.2-859, Criminal Charges For Reckless Driving Passing a School Bus
By definition, the school bus must be painted yellow and must have warning lights.
If the school bus is driving in the opposite direction and a barrier or median exists, your attorney might be able to challenge the Reckless Driving

A Reckless Driving offense, cannot be prepaid since it is a criminal Class 1 Misdemeanor.
If your license is suspended due to your conviction of Reckless Driving you can petition the court for a restricted driver’s license.
It is up to the discretion of the judge to either grant or denies your request for a restricted license.
In order to increase your chances of receiving a restricted license, make sure to explain to your attorney why it’s necessary for you to drive, where you would be driving, and at what times you would be behind the wheel.
What Are the Consequences Of Being Convicted With a Reckless Driving For Passing a School Bus?
If you are a government employee, with a security clearance or public trust clearance, your background check will show a criminal misdemeanor conviction.
A criminal conviction of Reckless Driving will also show up in your background checks when applying for a job, or trying to rent a home or apartment.
One major expense will be an increase in insurance premiums for having been convicted of Reckless Driving under Va code § 46.2-859.
Give our Virginia Reckless Driving Lawyer a call at 703-786-8340 we can discuss your case and present to you our defense strategy.

Can a Lawyer Help me Amend a Reckless Driving Charge To a Non-Criminal Infraction?
As with many legal questions, the answer is “it depends.”
Judges and prosecutors look at a number of factors when deciding whether to amend a charge of Reckless Driving to a traffic infraction.
Your overall driving record, the specific circumstances of your case, and the officer’s recommendation all play a role in whether you will be facing a misdemeanor or a simple infraction.
In some cases, drivers can be asked to take a driving improvement class or community service.
It is essential to note that each case is different and past performance is not indicative of future results.
Experienced Strong Defense Reckless Driving Lawyer

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Sometimes, a Reckless Driving charge can be amended, to a non-criminal Passing a Stopped School bus under VA code 46.2-844.
Other possible amendments could be improper driving or failure to pay full time and attention.
Please note there is no guarantee that the Reckless Driving Virginia case can be amended, as each case is different and past performance is not indicative of future results.