DUI is a serious criminal traffic offense in Virginia. Being a Virginia drunk driving attorney can fight your DUI in court. Don’t risk jail time give me a call to discuss your DUI / DWI case.
read below important information about DUI penalties and defense strategies:
Experienced Strong Defense Virginia Drunk Driving Attorney

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The Law Regarding DUI Explained by Virginia Drunk Driving Attorney
According to the Virginia Code, “It is unlawful for any person to drive or operate any motor vehicle while such a person has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or more.”
If you have had a drink, you might find yourself impaired.

In such instances, you should refrain from driving until you have sobered up.
A point to be noted is that the BAC is not the only factor that may make you eligible for a DUI offense.
If you have any drugs in your system that impair your judgment or coordination or affect reaction times, you could be arrested for a DUI despite having no alcohol in your system.
It is very important to hire an experienced Virginia Drunk Driving Attorney to defend you in the courts of Virginia.
The prosecutor takes the first-time DUI charges very seriously.
Regardless of you being a good human being, having a clean record, or having a relatively low BAC at the time of the arrest, it is of very little consequence to the government.
The thing that matters is your decision to sit behind a wheel and drive while being intoxicated.
What are the Possible Penalties of a DUI Offense in Loudoun Virginia?
DUI charges affect not only your ability to drive but also put your freedom at risk.
The penalties of a first-time DUI offense consist of losing your license for no less than 12 months.
These penalties are largely statutory, and therefore cannot be reduced to 6 months or anything else.
A DUI offense can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending upon the case circumstances.
In many cases of license suspension, you may be eligible to get a restricted license.
Essentially, this means that you are allowed to drive to and from work or to pick kids from school.
This may also include anything else that may qualify to receive a restricted license under the statute.

Moreover, there is also a possibility of a suspension of jail time if the accused keeps up general good behavior for a year and completes the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP).
To maintain the suspended jail time, the accused must not violate the terms of the restricted license and refrain from committing any further crimes.
In addition to the restricted license and suspended jail time, there most certainly will be expensive fines imposed for first-time offenders.
These fines can go up to $2,500 depending upon whether you are charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor or a Class 6 felony.
Defenses to a DUI Charge
You may be anxious and overwhelmed with the consequences you may face if charged with a DUI offense.
However, it is possible to reduce, or in some instances, even dismiss the charge against you with the help of an experienced Virginia Drunk Driving Attorney.
Experienced Low-Cost Virginia Drunk Driving Attorney
An experienced attorney can argue that the traffic officer had no reasonable suspicion of stopping you.
In the event, the officer lacked reasonable suspicion, and simply they acted on a hunch, then your traffic conviction may be invalid.
About arrest, the attorney can question whether the officer had sufficient evidence before they can arrest you.
This raises the question of whether they performed proper sobriety tests and made behavior observations of the accused person.
If there are no valid facts, then all evidence presented by the officer may be deemed invalid.
Moreover, when an officer stops you to perform sobriety tests, the tests are required to be carried out in a particular manner following the proper protocol.
If the guidelines are not complied with, the tests administered will be considered invalid in your case.
Why Should You Hire a Virginia Drunk Driving Attorney?
Receiving a DUI can have consequences that are potentially very serious.
Irrespective of whether it is your first DUI or you have had multiple charges, it is recommended to consult an experienced Virginia Drunk Driving Attorney.
Such an attorney will not only intently listen to your side of the story but also make sure your interests come first by providing effective representation.
The attorneys here at the American Lawyers Group have years of experience with handling thousands of clients and providing them with strong and effective representation.
Contact us immediately if you face any such charges.