Virginia Family Lawyer
Let us defend your legal family matters in court. As a Virginia family lawyer, I can defend your family case in court and protect your legal rights.
read below how we defend family cases in virginia courts
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Child Custody
The Code of Virginia §20.124.1 lists and defines two types of custody: Sole custody and Joint custody.
Sole custody is an exclusive right granted to only one parent for having both physical and legal custody of that child.
On the other hand, joint custody is where both parents are granted physical and legal custody of the child.
Where parents have joint legal custody, they both have the right to weigh in on major decisions related to the child’s education, health, and happiness.
Moreover, each parent will consult with one another before coming to a decision that will affect the child in the present and future.

In determining whether to grant sole custody or joint custody there are several factors that a judge is required to take into account as per 20.124.3 of the Virginia Code.
All determinations are made in the best interest of the child that includes all decisions relating to visitation and custody.
In the event you find yourself facing custody-related issues, contact an experienced Virginia Family Lawyer who can help you make informed decisions, and present your position in the best light in court if need be.
Child Support
In most cases of divorce, where there are no minor children involved, they are somewhat easy to resolve.
However, matters become complex when these issues, such as child support and custody come into the picture.
Whether married to one another or not, both parents are obligated to support that child in Virginia. The payments they must make to the other are based on the combined incomes of both parents.
To determine who must pay child support, and how much they must pay, the court will take several factors into accounts, such as custody arrangements, the costs of living for the child, and the income for each parent.
Normally, it is the parent who does not have primary custody of a child who will make support payments to the parent who provides care for the child.
Moreover, If the court believes one parent is voluntarily unemployed or under-employed to reduce their child support payments, it can impute income to the parent.
Divorce can sometimes be a painful and wrenching experience. The process starts by filing a complaint. To legally file for divorce, you must be a legal resident of Virginia for at least six months.
Moreover, the complaint must be filed in the county that you and your spouse reside in.

Virginia allows for both fault and no-fault grounds. The no-fault ground is applicable for spouses who have lived separately for more than a year without any interruption and intending to remain separate from each other.
Whereas, the fault grounds listed in the Code of Virginia §20-91 provide that you may be able to file for divorce on the following grounds:
- Adultery
- Conviction of Felony
- Cruelty
- Desertion
There will be no requirement for a period of separation before filing for divorce if any of these grounds apply to your case.
To ensure the divorce process is managed efficiently, hire an experienced Virginia Family Lawyer to represent your best interests.
Spousal Support
Determining the amount of spousal support to be awarded is a complex process.
This issue is usually settled by the court by taking into account how long the couple was married, their age, physical condition, the emotional and financial condition of the spouse.
Whenever there is an issue of spousal support, each spouse will be required by the court to provide full disclosure of their financial state to the other spouse to determine the maintenance amount to be paid to the other spouse.

Adopting a child can be a wonderful experience. However, Virginia has strict laws that govern the adoption process.
If you are considering adopting a child, contact a skilled Virginia Family Lawyer to help you understand the laws, and represent you in adoption proceedings.
The process of adoption is done through either agency placements or non-agency placements.
The prospective parents must complete a home residency to have a child placed in their home.
Once completed, they may petition the court and get consent from the agency to finalize the adoption order.
As per §63.2-1200, Chapter 12 of the Virginia Code, “any natural person may petition to adopt a minor child. If the petitioner is married, the spouse must join.
Any natural person may adopt another adult under certain conditions.”
Why Should you Hire an Experienced Virginia Family Lawyer?
An experienced attorney can help explain the legal effects of the proceedings and your rights concerning child support, custody, visitation, and other family law issues.
If you need any information regarding any of the family law-related matters, it is encouraged to consult with an experienced Virginia Family Lawyer.
The attorneys here at the American Lawyers Group have years of experience handling thousands of cases by providing efficient legal representation in court to reach the best outcome for their clients. Call us today for a free consultation.
Experienced Low-Cost Virginia Family Lawyer

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