Virginia Larceny Lawyer
In Virginia, larceny or theft is defined as the unauthorized taking of personal property from the property owner without their consent. Contact our Expert Virginia larceny lawyer to discuss your larceny criminal case.
read below how we fight larceny charges in court and penalties:
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Virginia Larceny Lawyer Explains The Difference Between a Petit Larceny and a Grand Larceny?
Larceny can be subdivided into two separate categories: Grand Larceny and Petit Larceny.
In the event you are charged with larceny, the charge you may face depends heavily on the value of the items that were stolen, how they were taken, and the kind of items that were taken from the property owner’s immediate possession.
Under the Code of Virginia, petit larceny is defined as theft of property that is valued less than $1000, or theft of property valued less than $5 when taken from the person of another.
One of the most common examples of petit larceny is shoplifting.

Grand larceny, on the other hand, concerns takings of property that have higher monetary values than that of petit larceny.
It can occur when the value of the stolen property exceeds $1000 or when the property, regardless of its nature and value, is taken from the person of another.
An important point to note here is so long as the property in question taken off of another’s body is valued at $5 or more, it will be considered as grand larceny.
Similarly, larceny of firearms or guns, regardless of the value, will also amount to grand larceny.
What Are The Penalties for a Conviction of Petit Larceny?
A Virginia Larceny Lawyer can explain the penalties in greater detail but the law classifies petit larceny as a Class 1 misdemeanor under the Virginia Law (Va. Code. Ann. §18.2-96).
Class 1 misdemeanors are the highest classification of all misdemeanors and are punished by confinement in jail up to 12 months, a fine that can go up to $2500, or in several cases both.
In most cases, a judge will often consider prior convictions before making a decision and therefore, if you have already been convicted of a larceny crime before, it is possible that the sentence could be much more severe.
A first offense of petit larceny charges may be subject to some leniency from the judge and the accused may be eligible for probation.
However, in Virginia, second and third offenses of petit larceny charges will most certainly result in jail time.
Regardless of whether you are being charged for the first time or the third time, it’s highly recommended that you seek assistance from an experienced Virginia Larceny Lawyer.

What Are The Penalties for a Conviction of Grand Larceny?
Grand larceny, according to Virginia law (Va. Code. Ann. §18.2-95), is a felony offense for which maximum punishment can be up to 20 years in prison.
The penalties of being convicted of grand larceny can also result in having to pay a significant fine. Such felony fines may exceed $100,000 at times.
Moreover, in some cases, a court may also order the accused to serve a period of probation.
This may consist of paying the required fines, restitution of the property within a certain period of time, and further refrain from committing any more crimes.
Furthermore, unlike petit larceny first offenses, felony grand larceny charges are not dismissed.

This being your first offense will not entitle you to any dismissal according to Virginia law.
In fact, the only way to be found not guilty is to face trial. In such an event, you will most likely need an attorney to negotiate the penalties that you may be up against.
A successful attorney can try to convince the jury that the felony should be reduced to a misdemeanor with minimal jail time.
In such a case, if the jury finds that the goods stolen were of less value than $1000, they may find the accused guilty of petit larceny rather than finding him guilty of grand larceny.
Similar to petit larceny, any second and third grand larceny charges will always result in serving long jail time.
It is important to note that every jurisdiction differs in the kind of punishment one may receive for being charged with petit or grand larceny.
Therefore, if you or your loved one have been accused of petit or grand larceny, rely on an experienced Virginia Larceny lawyer with a reputation of success in the courtroom to evaluate your case in light of the law.
Why Should You Hire an Experienced Virginia Larceny Lawyer?
Similar to petit larceny, any second and third grand larceny charges will always result in serving long jail time.
It is important to note that every jurisdiction differs in the kind of punishment one may receive for being charged with petit or grand larceny.
The attorneys here at American Lawyers Group have years of experience with providing strong and effective representation to help assist your case.
Therefore, if you or your loved one have been accused of petit or grand larceny, rely on our experienced Virginia Larceny lawyer with a reputation of success in the courtroom to evaluate your case in light of the law.
Experienced Low-Cost Virginia Larceny Lawyer

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