Virginia Shoplifting Lawyer
Shoplifting is a form of theft. If you or a loved one are facing shoplifting charges, you need to talk with our Virginia shoplifting lawyer, to discuss your legal rights.
read below penalties and how to defend shoplifting charges:
Experienced Strong Defense Virginia Shoplifting Lawyer
Petit Larceny Defense Fees From $699
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What is Considered Shoplifting in Virginia?
The offense of shoplifting in Virginia falls under various legal sections of the Virginia code. According to §18.2-103, any wilful concealing or taking possession of goods or merchandise from any store; altering the price tag on such goods or merchandise or even transferring the goods from one container to the other, or, counseling, assisting, or abetting another in the performance of those above acts will constitute as shoplifting.
As aforementioned, shoplifting is a form of theft and in Virginia, theft falls under two categories:
- Petit Larceny
- Grand Larceny
Under the Code of Virginia, petit larceny is defined as theft of property that is valued less than $1000, or theft of property valued less than $5 when taken from the person of another.
One of the most common examples of petit larceny is shoplifting.
Whereas, grand larceny concerns takings of property that have higher monetary values than that of petit larceny.
It can occur when the value of the stolen property exceeds $1000 or when the property, regardless of its nature and value, is taken from the person of another.
Are Shoplifting Charges in Virginia Misdemeanors or Felonies?
Violating shoplifting laws can result in harsh punishments which may range from minor fines to more severe punishments such as life in prison.
In the event you are charged with shoplifting, the charge you may face depends heavily on the value of the items that were stolen.
Shoplifting can result in either a felony or a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances of your case.
In the case of a misdemeanor, there are usually fines to pay that may go up to $2500.
However, the potential jail term in a misdemeanor shoplifting conviction is less than one year and sometimes might even result in no jail time at all.
Whereas, the penalty for a felony shoplifting conviction may lead to life imprisonment.
In Virginia, felonies are separated into different levels of classes, starting from Class 1 to Class 6, with Class 1 felonies being the most serious out of all.
Such felony charges can lead to a permanent criminal record and long prison sentences.
In the event you are charged with a first offense of shoplifting, it’s possible to skip jail time; however, if you are found guilty of the same crime for the second or third time then you are required to get at least 30 days of jail time.
Moreover, in some instances, it could possibly be more than that depending on your case and if the judge takes into account your entire record and prior convictions.
It is essential to hire an experienced Virginia Shoplifting Lawyer to defend you against detention.
What Are The Possible Defenses Against Shoplifting in Virginia?
In many cases, an experienced Virginia Shoplifting Lawyer may be able to reduce the felony charges you are faced with to a lesser misdemeanor offense.
This may depend on a case-to-case basis but the charges can be reduced if the attorney can prove that the property in question was valued below $1000.
Furthermore, there are also various defenses that your attorney can use to either reduce the charges of the case or dismiss it altogether. Such defenses include lack of intent, the mistake of facts, and consent.
For you to be found guilty of shoplifting, the Commonwealth has the burden to prove that you had the intention to steal the items in question.
In such a case, an attorney familiar with similar cases as yours can argue that:
(a) you mistakenly walked out of the store with the item distracted by either your child or an urgent phone call,
(b) the value of the merchandise in question contradicts the price provided by the cashier or manager of the store or
(c) that you actually paid for the goods and have receipts and in such an event there would be no legal basis for a claim.
The defenses that may be applicable in your case heavily depend on the facts of your case and therefore, contact an experienced Virginia shoplifting lawyer at the earliest.
Why You Should Hire Our Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys
If you’re facing shoplifting charges, it’s advisable to consult with an experienced Virginia Shoplifting Lawyer to help get charges reduced or penalties lessened.
The attorneys here at the American Lawyers Group have years of experience handling thousands of cases and providing strong and effective representation to their clients.
If you have any questions or queries regarding your case, contact our experienced Virginia Shoplifting lawyers with a reputation for success in the courtroom.