Let us fight your speeding ticket or reckless driving in court. As a Virginia speeding ticket lawyer, I can defend your legal rights in court and fight suspension or points.
read below how we fight speeding tickets in court.
Experienced Strong Defense Virginia Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Reckless Driving Defense Fees From $499*

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What Are The Types of Speeding Ticket Violations in Virginia?
There are two main types of speeding ticket offenses: General speeding tickets (46.2-870) and reckless driving speeding tickets (46.2-862).
The most significant difference between the two is that the first is a traffic infraction, that if found in violation of speeding, is punishable by a fine and most likely will result in demerit points on your driving record.
On the other hand, reckless driving is a criminal offense that has severe penalties such as a fine of up to $2500, suspension of licenses, and a possible sentence of jail for 12 months

What to Expect from a Speeding Violation
Generally, receiving a speeding ticket can be quite a stressful and confusing experience especially, if you got it for the first time.
It is important to note that speeding tickets in Virginia result in expensive fines, and you get points against your driving record.
Moreover, if you face reckless driving charges, you may be punished by increased fines and even a jail sentence.
When you get a speeding ticket, it often leads to DMV demerit points, which will remain on your driving record for 5 years and can affect your insurance rates.
The Department of Motor Vehicles has a system that they set up where 3, 4, or 6 demerit points can be assigned to your record in the event of any speeding violations.
For any speeding violation, there are demerit points assigned to your record at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

If convicted of a traffic violation, the court notifies the Department of Motor Vehicles who then post the conviction on your record, assigns demerit points, issues a suspension of your license, and notifies the insurance company.
These could be 3 points, 4 points, or 6 points depending on the severity of the violation.
For the low-traffic infractions, such as failing to obey a highway sign or speeding nine miles over the speed limit, it is usually a 3 point violation.
Whereas when a person is speeding 15 to 19 mph over the legal speed limit or running a red light, this is a 4 point violation.
And lastly, a 6 point violation is when a person is driving recklessly, driving while intoxicated or if you are speeding 20 mph over the stated speed limit.
How to Respond to a Speeding Ticket?
It is important to note that some tickets will require you to appear in court.
The officer will scratch a box that says a person has to appear before a court, but in some instances, they may not.
If you claim you were not speeding, you will have the option to plead “not guilty” in court. At your court hearing, you will have the chance to explain or present your side of the story and hear the testimony of the officer who wrote you the ticket.
An officer will try to prove that they recorded your speed limit using RADAR equipment.

If you have been handed a speeding ticket, it is encouraged you contact an experienced Virginia Speeding Ticket Lawyer who can mitigate or drop your charges through efficient representation.
The officer may also have a calibration certificate to back up his testimony at court.
So in the event, you believe you were not going as fast, you will either need to present a witness or anything else to show that what you have said is the truth rather than what the officer has said.
Upon conclusion of defenses presented by both sides, if the judge rules in your favor, you will not face any penalties.
You will, however, face severe consequences (such as demerit points, increased insurance premiums, etc.) and pay the required fine if the judge finds you guilty of the speeding violation.
Why Should You Hire a Virginia Speeding Ticket Lawyer?
Speeding tickets can create several problems for most people that include losing your license, increased insurance premiums, harsh fines, loss of future job opportunities, security clearances, and possible jail time.
If charged with reckless driving, you will need effective representation from an experienced Virginia Speeding Ticket Lawyer.
The attorneys here at the American Lawyers Group have years of experience with handling thousands of clients and providing them with strong and effective representation.
We can evaluate your case and determine the best legal options to pursue to reduce the charge or mitigate it altogether.
Experienced Strong Defense Virginia Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Reckless Driving Defense Fees From $499*

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