Virginia Theft Attorney (18.2-96)
Being convicted of a theft crime can have many consequences. As a Virginia theft attorney, I can fight your theft charges in Virginia courts.
read below important information about theft penalties and defenses.
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Virginia Theft Attorney Explains Types of Theft or Larceny Crimes in Northern Virginia
There are two main elements within the definition of theft that one should focus on:
a) The unlawful taking and carrying away someone else’s property
b) The requisite intent requirement to deprive the owner of the property permanently.
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To charge someone with theft, the prosecutor has the burden to prove that the person had the specific intent to deprive the other of their property and keep it for themselves.
In many instances, the element of intention is where most of the legal issues arise in these theft cases.
The accused’s intent becomes an issue when we look at the property stolen.
Moreover, depending upon the value of the property stolen, the accused may face charges of petty theft or grand theft.
The Code of Virginia lists out some specific theft-related offenses which include but are not limited to:
- Shoplifting
- Petty Theft
- Grand theft
- Embezzlement
- Fraud
- Burglary
- Robbery
- Car theft
- Identity theft

The crime of theft, often also referred to as Larceny in Virginia falls under one of the two classifications: Petit larceny and Grand larceny.
Petit Larceny occurs when the property taken is below a value that is specified by an amount at which theft is considered petty larceny.
Any property that is stolen and is worth less than $1000 is petit larceny, according to Va. Code §18.2-96.
Whereas, grand larceny occurs when the stolen property in question is worth more than the amount specified by statute for it to amount to grand theft.
The amount for grand larceny is any property valued at more than $1000.
An example would be, a person who goes to a convenience store puts two packs of cigarettes in their pocket, and walks out of the store with the very intention to keep them for himself.
In such a circumstance, the accused may face petty theft charges.
However, in the case the person steals someone’s car from a parking lot outside the mall, they may face grand theft charges.
Don’t risk detention contact our Virginia Theft Attorney to discuss your case and defense strategies.
Civil Penalties for Theft in Virginia
Charges of theft, depending on the circumstances of your case, can result in either a felony or a misdemeanor.
Such crimes have significant punishments that can range from minor fines starting from $2500 to more severe penalties such as imprisonment for 20 years maximum.
Felonies are more serious offenses than misdemeanors.
In the case of a misdemeanor, the jail term is less than one year and sometimes might even result in no jail time at all.
Whereas, the penalty for a felony conviction may lead to life imprisonment.
In Virginia, felonies are separated into different levels of classes, starting from Class 1 to Class 6, with Class 1 felonies being the most serious out of all.
Such felony charges can lead to a permanent criminal record and lengthy prison sentences.

Therefore, before pleading guilty to any crime in Virginia in hopes of a reduced sentence, contact a Virginia theft attorney who can help you understand your rights.
In cases where the accused already has a prior conviction to either a misdemeanor or a felony larceny offense, the judge may take those prior convictions into account before handing down a sentence.
Why You Should Hire an Experienced Virginia Criminal Lawyer
Although facing such charges may not be a pleasant experience, there are legal defenses available in many cases involving allegations of theft.

The attorneys here at American Lawyers Group have years of experience with handling thousands of clients and providing them with strong and effective representation to help their cases.
If you face charges of theft or larceny, contact us immediately so we can assess your case and be able to assist you in determining what possible defenses can be made available to you about your theft charges.